We just took Trigger to try and get another British Novice double clear but I couldn't resist going fast in the jump off, which took him a bit by surprise as he's not done many jump off's and never gone very fast before so had a couple down. I then went much slower to get a double clear in the 90cm amateur to try and be in the top 6 for qualification, and came 3rd with a lovely clear and some very tight turns especially for a big horse! So he Qualified for the Amateur 2nd rounds which hopefully if he does well when we take him there he will qualify for the finals at Aintree which Brook & I did last year!
Trigger got another double clear in the british novice and came 3rd! Then just had one down in the Katherine James Discovery Scope Qualifier, which was my fault at the first part of a double.
Brook was the star of the Day and won the Katherine James Discovery Scope Qualifier, so we will defiantly be going to Scope again this year with two early qualifications! Although now Brook is unable to jump Discovery's as that win put more money on her card, rather annoying as I wanted try and get my 4 double clears to qualify for the regionals! She then went on to also win the 1.05 Open, so a brilliant day 2/2 wins for Brook & I! I won't be able to jump her much know though until June as I want to get my newcomers double clears next yearand if she wins anymore money I won't be able to do that. This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
I did the 90cm on Alfy (Olly) and went double clear, very slowly to come 5th! I then did the metre and had one stop in the jump off due to a very tight turn but still came 5th, so i was pleased as he felt more confident than the week before.
Alex one of my pupils did the 70cm and just had an unlucky run out, which then amde him reide much more determined in the next ckass were he wen double lcear and csme 2nd! Tash another of my pupils rode Roxy in the 80cm and just had an unlucky refusal which also made her ride more determined and she went double clear to come 5th! Alfy (Olly) Went to his first show in about 7 months, Since coming back from an injury in May. I Jumped the 90cm and went clear, with just one hesitation which they classed as a stop even though he jumped from a stand still. I then did the 95cm and just had a stop at the second part of a double, think due to his confidence after the fall he had May, but more outings and we should be winning fit again! Even tho we did manage to win the 95 with the stop!!
Alex one of my pupils also went to the show and did the 75cm, this was only his 2nd ever show, he just had one stop. He then did the 85cm which is the biggest he has ever jumped at a show and hasnt long been jumping much bigger at home, but wanted to give it a go as his pony is capable, they just had one pole down which was brilliant! Tash another of my pupils also did the 85cm and just had one pole down, but this was also the biggst she had ever done at a show and only her 2nd show. I then did the 90cm on Roxy Tash's horse and just had one pole down, but roxy is only 5 and this was her 3rd show ever so a good day all round. Alex, Tash and Izzy, three of my pupils went to Colletes jumping show at willow farm and did real;ly well. ALex came 3rd in the 60cm, tash came 2nd in the 70cm and had an unlcky pole in the 80cm, izzy did a ;pvey clear round.
May 2018