This was also held at Sands Farm the day after the Windsor qualifier, so we stayed up over night as it was a really long journey.
Olly went from one extreme to the other, winning the previous day & napping and refusing to go the next.
Brook was good in the Novice Dengie & just had an unlucky pole. She went much better in the Open as it was a bit bigger, but just as the bell went, she had a bucking and rearing fit, then galloped off, so I didn’t have chance to settle her down before the first fence. There were a few scary moments throughout, where an extra stride or two were taken out, but I managed to hold it together until the last fence, where she just took control through a related distance and I just couldn’t hold her, so just touched it bringing it down. But overall a pleasing weekend, although we won’t be going to the Dengie SJ Finals.