Tazmin took Poppy- her new pony, their first ever show together & Poppy's first show in a year and half! In the bottom hole class 1, I had to lead them round as poppy was extremely exited when she got in the ring and span hundreds of circles and couldn't possibly go in a straight line! They did a lovely double clear & in a timed jump off came 2nd out of 8! In the 50cm they managed to do it all by themselves & did another perfect double clear to finish 5th out of 10!
Alex did the 70cm on Moose & had a really unlucky pole at the last fence in the jump off! but still came 4th out of 15. Then in a very strong 80cm being the last class of the day, included a rather large water tray & well up to height! Alex jumped a lovely double clear to finish 6th!!